PLANET MGSD-10080F User Manual

Page 225

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User’s Manual of MGSD-10080F


Port: The ACE will match a specific ingress port.


Specify the mirror operation of this port. Frames matching the ACE are mirrored

to the destination mirror port. The allowed values are:

Enabled: Frames received on the port are mirrored.

Disabled: Frames received on the port are not mirrored.

The default value is "Disabled".


The counter indicates the number of times the ACE was hit by a frame.

Modification Buttons

You can modify each ACE (Access Control Entry) in the table using the following


: Inserts a new ACE before the current row.

: Edits the ACE row.

: Moves the ACE up the list.

: Moves the ACE down the list.

: Deletes the ACE.

: The lowest plus sign adds a new entry at the bottom of the ACE listings.



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: Click to refresh the page immediate

: Click to clear the counters.

: Click to remove all ACEs.