PLANET MGSD-10080F User Manual

Page 144

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User’s Manual of MGSD-10080F


1. Specify Port-8 to be the 802.1Q VLAN Trunk port.

2. Assign Port-8 to both VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 on the VLAN Member configuration page.

3. Define a VLAN 1 as a “Public Area” that overlaps with both VLAN 2 members and VLAN 3 members.

4. Assign the VLAN Trunk Port to be the member of each VLAN – which wants to be aggregated. For this sample, add Port-8

to be VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 member port. The screen in

Figure 4-6-12


Figure 4-6-12: VLAN overlap port setting & VLAN 1 – The Public Area Member Assign

5. Specify Port-8 to be the 802.1Q VLAN Trunk port, and the Trunking port must be a Tagged port while egress. The Port-8

configuration as the following screen in

Figure 4-6-1



Figure 4-6-13: The configuration of VLAN Trunk Port

That is, although the VLAN 2 members: Port-1 to Port-3 and VLAN 3 members: Port-4 to Port-6 also belongs to VLAN 1. But

with different PVID settings, packets forming VLAN 2 or VLAN 3 are not able to access to the other VLAN.

6. Repeat Step 1 to 5, setup the VLAN Trunk port at the partner switch and add more VLANs to join the VLAN trunk, repeat

Steps 1 to 3 to assign the Trunk port to the VLANs.