Enterasys snmp persistence mib – Enterasys Networks Security Router X-PeditionTM User Manual

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Enterasys SNMP Persistence MIB

XSR User’s Guide B-21

Enterasys SNMP Persistence MIB

This MIB permits management applications to commit persistent SNMP configuration
information to persistent storage.


A collection of objects providing firmware change data.


The compliance statement for configurable devices.

Table B-44 etsysConfigurationChange MIB (continued)



Table B-45 etsysSnmpPersistenceMIB




Setting this object to snmpNormalSave(1) will cause the XSR to exhibit what could be
considered normal SNMP behavior, that is, each SNMP set of a persistent object will
be saved to persistent storage as part of the set operation.
• Setting this object to pushButtonSave(2) will cause SNMP sets of persistent objects

to be buffered in volatile memory until the configuration is explicitly saved to
persistent memory, either through the CLI or by setting etsysSnmpPersistenceWrite
to save(2).

• Setting this object to timeDelayedSave(3) will cause SNMP sets of persistent objects

to be buffered in volatile memory until certain implementation dependent time
conditions are met. Once these conditions are met the configuration is saved to
persistent memory.

• Setting this object to a mode that is not supported on that particular implementation

leads to an inconsistent value error.

• On an SNMP get operation this object will return the current persistent storage mode

of operation.


Setting this object to save(2) will cause the current configuration stored in volatile
memory to be written to persistent memory and become the start-up configuration.
• This also causes any configuration data that is part of another management

interface's active configuration to become part of the start-up configuration.

• Any configuration changes made through SNMP will become part of the start-up

configuration if and when another management interface saves the current
configuration to persistent storage.

• Setting this object to save(2) while the value of the etsysSnmpPersistenceMode

object is NOT pushButtonSave(2) MAY lead to an inconsistent value error.

• Setting this object to save(2) while the value of the etsysSnmpPersistenceStatus

object is savingChanges(3) leads to an inconsistent value error.

• Setting this object to nop(1) always succeeds and has no effect.
• On an SNMP get operation this object will return nop(1).
• Management applications are advised to make use of the snmpSetSerialNo object

defined in the SNMPv2-MIB to coordinate their use of this object.


Current status of the persistent storage system when etsysSnmpPersistenceMode is
NOT set to snmpNormalSave(1). Status states include: other, unsavedChanges,
savingChanges, saveSucceeded, saveFailed.


Value of sysUpTime when etsysSnmpPersistenceStatus was last updated. If
etsysSnmpPersistenceStatus was not updated since initialization, zero is returned.


A descriptive error message if the last attempt to write to persistent storage has failed.


The data and time when the etsysSnmpPersistenceError was last updated. If
etsysSnmpPersistenceError has not been updated since initialization the value
'0000000000000000'H is returned.