Save:image:format, Save:waveform:start – RIGOL DS1000B User Manual
Page 112

Programming Guide for DS1000B Series
Returned Format:
The query returns 1 or 0, respectively indicates ON or OFF.
:SAVE:IMAG:FACT ON Save the system parameters.
Return 1.
Command Format:
The command sets the format of saved image. The
color (BMP|BMP24bit), 8bit bitmap (BMP8bit) or PNG (PNG).
Returned Format:
The query returns BMP24bit, BMP8bit or PNG.
:SAVE:IMAG:FORM BMP Set the format as 24 bit real color.
Return BMP24bit.
8. :SAVe:WAVeform:STARt
Command Format:
The command starts the saving waveform function. If the waveforms are in
internal flash, the
external storage medium, the
composed of double quotation marks and ASCII characters, also, the file name
length within the double quotation marks must less than 26 characters.
NOTE: The system will add the file format suffix with 4 characters automatically, which are
not included in 26 characters.