SMA MATRIX User Manual

Page 30

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SMA Solar Technology AG



User Manual

Logging into the Sunny Matrix

5. Enter "" into the web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and press enter.

☑ The Sunny Matrix start page appears.
– If the Sunny Matrix start page does not appear, see section 11 ”Troubleshooting”

(page 71).

6. Select [Login].

☑ A pop-up window opens.
– If the pop up window does not open, see Section 11 ”Troubleshooting” (page 71).

7. Enter "sunnymatrix" in the "User name" field.
8. Enter "sma" in the "Password" field.
9. Select [OK].

☑ The main page opens.

Changing the Sunny Matrix network settings

10. In the Sunny WebBox user interface select "Settings > Network".
11. Set Sunny Matrix to DHCP or assign a fixed IP address:

– If the network works with a DHCP server, change Sunny Matrix to DHCP as described in the

following table. With DHCP, the DHCP server (normally a router, a switch can not do this)
assigns the Sunny Matrix an IP address automatically. Since the Sunny Matrix IP address
can change when using DHCP, you must request the Sunny Matrix IP address via the router
or use the Sunny Matrix Admin Tool.

– If the network works without a DHCP server, assign a fixed IP address for the Sunny Matrix

as described in the following table.

Note the existing network settings, in order to be able to reset these settings in the computer
after the integration.
Set the following settings in the computer:
IP address:
Subnet mask
Select [OK].
Select [Close] in order to close the windows.

Windows Vista

Windows XP, Windows 2000