14 manual operation and setup – HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (606 42x-02) ISO programming User Manual
Page 39
14.1 Switch-On, Switch-Off ..... 460
14.2 Moving the Machine Axes ..... 464
Moving the axis using the machine axis direction buttons ..... 464
Incremental jog positioning ..... 465
Traversing with electronic handwheels ..... 466
14.3 Spindle Speed S, Feed Rate F and Miscellaneous Functions M ..... 476
Changing the spindle speed and feed rate ..... 477
14.4 Functional Safety FS (Option) ..... 478
Explanation of terms ..... 479
Check axis positions ..... 480
Overview of permitted feed rates and speeds ..... 481
Activating feed-rate limitation ..... 482
Additional Status displays ..... 482
14.5 Datum Setting without a 3-D Touch Probe ..... 483
Workpiece presetting with axis keys ..... 484
Datum management with the preset table ..... 485
14.6 Using the 3-D Touch Probe ..... 491
Selecting probe cycles ..... 492
Recording measured values from the touch-probe cycles ..... 492
Writing the measured values from touch probe cycles in datum tables ..... 493
Writing the measured values from touch probe cycles in the preset table ..... 494
Storing measured values in the pallet preset table ..... 495
14.7 Calibrating a 3-D Touch Probe ..... 496
Calibrating the effective length ..... 496
Calibrating the effective radius and compensating center misalignment ..... 497
Displaying calibration values ..... 498
Managing more than one block of calibrating data ..... 498
14.8 Compensating Workpiece Misalignment with a 3-D Touch Probe ..... 499
Basic rotation using 2 points: ..... 501
Determining basic rotation using 2 holes/studs: ..... 503