Grass Valley Profile Family Audio Signal Processing Board User Manual
Page 52

ASPB Installation
ASPB Installation
Connecting Sharcnet Cables To The Serial Digital I/O Boards
Sharcnet ribbon cables are used with Serial Digital I/O (SDI) boards having
Sharcnet connectors. If your unit does not have Serial Digital I/O boards with
Sharcnet connectors then go to “Connecting Sharcnet Cables Between Two
ASPBs” on page 57.
If you want more detailed information about Sharcnet cabling refer to “Detailed
Explanation Of ASPB Cabling” on page 59.
NOTE: If a Sharcnet cable appears to be too short when you are attempting
to make a connection, reverse the cable and try again.
Connecting ASPB Sharcnet cables to the SDI boards:
1. To connect ASPB1 Sharcnet cables to the first SDI board:
a. Locate the ASPB1 or the ASPB if only one ASPB is installed. (If two
ASPBs are installed, ASPB1 is in the lower numbered slot.)
b. Connect a Sharcnet ribbon cable between the ASPB1 Sharcnet Out1
connector and the Sharcnet In connector of the Serial Digital I/O board in
the lowest numbered board slot (
Ê in example Figure 16).
c. Connect a Sharcnet ribbon cable between the ASPB1 Sharcnet In1
connector and the Sharcnet Out connector of the Serial Digital I/O board
in the lowest numbered board slot (
Ë in example Figure 16).
d. Go to step 2 if you have more Serial Digital I/O boards to connect,
otherwise, do one of the following:
- If you have two ASPBs installed go to “Connecting Sharcnet Cables
Between Two ASPBs” on page 57.
- If you have one ASPB installed go to “Reassembling the Profile Chassis”