Grass Valley NewsBrowse Desktop Browsing System Installation v.2.0 User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Safety Summaries
- Preface
- System Overview
- Installing NewsBrowse Machines
- Configuring the NewsBrowse System
- Configuration overview
- Establish conventions
- Configure network: Two tier
- Prepare for core configuration stages
- Stop NewsBrowse services
- ASK registration stage
- Encoder stand-alone stage
- Configure ASK Location: Single-channel encoder
- Configure Ingest Control: Single-channel encoder
- Configure Proxy Asset (NAS): Single-channel encoder
- Configure media server: Single-channel encoder
- Configure MPEG encoder: Single-channel encoder
- Test: Encoder stand-alone stage
- Checklist: Encoder stand-alone stage
- Managed Device Interface (MDI) stage
- Encoder + Server stage
- Router Gateway stand-alone stage
- Router Gateway + Server stage
- Image Support Server (ISS) stand-alone stage
- ISS + Server stage
- Sequential encoder stand-alone stage
- Configure ASK Location: Sequential encoder
- Configure Transfer Control: Sequential encoder
- Configure Proxy Asset (NAS): Sequential encoder
- Configure Media Server: Sequential encoder
- Configure MPEG encoder: Sequential encoder
- Test: Sequential encoder stand-alone stage
- Checklist: Sequential encoder stand-alone stage
- Sequential encoder + Server stage
- EDL Export, Save, Conform stage
- Archive stage
- Deploy remaining machines for full system
- Add live monitor encoders
- Test system interactions with multiple machines
- Add NewsBrowse Clients
- Administering NewsBrowse user access
- Adding custom fields
- Testing NewsBrowse client operations
- Recovery Planning
- Troubleshooting the NewsBrowse system
- Component Interaction Diagrams
- Index