Control buttons, The paging, Buttons – Grass Valley Jupiter v.1.0.0 User Manual

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Jupiter AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual

Section 3 — Multi-Level XY Soft Panel

Control Buttons


- Switches the Preset source to the indicated Destination.

Clear Preset

- Clears the Preset display.

Lock -

Prevents the selected destination from being switched by any panel

in the system, including the initiating panel. Each level can be locked or
protected individually. A Locked destination is indicated by red lettering
when using default color display options.


- Unlocks the destination if this panel locked the destination.


- Prevents the selected destination from being switched by any other

panel in the system. A protected destination is indicated with magenta let-
tering, when using default color display options.


- Removes the Protected status if this panel locked the destination.

The destination can then be switched by any panel in the system.

Save Status

- Used to save the selected destination’s current status to be

recalled later as the preset source of another switch.

Recall to Preset

- Recalls a saved switch configuration. Switch configuration

is one destination with a source per level. Each level can have a different
source, but only one destination. Multiple destinations need to use Local

CAUTION Selecting the Recall to Preset button, and then clicking the Take button, will

execute the recalled source(s), level combination to the single defined desti-
nation from the saved file.

Sticky Levels

- When clicked, after a Take is performed the selected levels will

remain selected until deselected or the destination is changed.

Table 5. The Paging Buttons

The Start button: Clicking this button will
show the beginning options on the “list.”

The Previous button: Clicking this button
will show the preceding options.

The Next button: Clicking this button will
show the succeeding options.

The End button: Clicking this button will
show the last options on the “list.”