Multi-level xy soft panel descriptions, Display fields, Source and destination paging buttons – Grass Valley Jupiter v.1.0.0 User Manual

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Jupiter AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual


Multi-Level XY Soft Panel Main Screen Description

Figure 25. The About Box

Click the


button to close the About box.

Multi-Level XY Soft Panel Descriptions

Display Fields

The definitions for the Multi-Level XY soft panel screen’s display fields are
provided below.

Source Categories

- Displays the matrix router source categories that can be

selected by this Soft Panel.

Source Entries

- Displays the specific matrix router sources that can be

selected by this Soft Panel.

Destination Categories

- Displays the matrix router destination categories that

can be controlled by this Soft Panel.

Destination Entries

- Displays the specific matrix router destinations that can

be controlled by this Soft Panel.


- Displays a preview of the names of the new sources after they have

been selected. After Take is pressed, the previous source is shown in the
Preset row. This allows “flip-flopping” the sources, or switching between
the current and preset sources by repeatedly pressing the




- Displays the source presently switched to the panel's controlled des-

tination (shown for the levels listed in the “Level” row).


- Displays the level names that have been established by the Jupiter CP

Level Set. The first level is usually video; the remainder are usually audio.


- Displays the destination that is presently being controlled by

the panel.

Source and Destination Paging Buttons



buttons are used to scroll through and see the destination and

source panel’s options. Sometimes, all of these destination and source
options cannot fit on the screen. The


buttons will be active if there are

“off screen” options, if not, they will be grayed out. Table 1,

The Paging


shown below, will provide the names and a description of what the

button will do when it is clicked.