Source and destination paging buttons, Figure 19, The name – Grass Valley Jupiter v.1.0.0 User Manual

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Jupiter AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual

Section 2 — Basic XY Soft Panel

Figure 19. Destination Entries Section


Panels will show eight asterisks (****) as a status, when the panel has no
way of reporting the mnemonic of the source. This condition can happen
when a source selected by panel “B” has the same destination being statused
by Panel “A”, and this source not available in the configuration for panel “A”.


When a panel cannot be changed to the desired output, the panel may have
been limited to certain outputs by the CP Output set used on the Jupiter MPK
Devices table.

Source and Destination Paging Buttons



buttons are used to scroll through and to see the destinations and

the source panel’s options. Sometimes, all of these destination and source
options cannot fit on the screen. The “paging” buttons will be active if there
are options “off screen”, if not, they will be grayed out. Table 1,

The Paging


shown below, will provide the names and a description of what the

button will do when it is clicked.

Table 4. The Paging Buttons

The Start button: Clicking this button will
show the beginning options on the “list.”

The Previous button: Clicking this button
will show the preceding options.

The Next button: Clicking this button will
show the succeeding options.

The End button: Clicking this button will
show the last options on the “list.”