Web.config – Grass Valley Aurora Edit LD v.6.5 Installation User Manual
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Aurora Edit Installation Guide
November 25, 2008
Chapter 6 Installing the Conform Server
The Conform Server contains an XML configuration file called Web.config that resides
in the \InetPub\wwwroot\xre folder. Most of the settings in this file are used by IIS.
You can use this file to confirm settings while troubleshooting a problem with the
Conform Server.
The adds several parameters in the appSettings section as in the following example:
The appSettings section contains the following items:
• resolverURL. The URL of the Resolver service, used by the Conform Server to
locate the High Resolution media described in the EDL.
• resolverUserId. The user account under which the Conform Server service runs.
• resolverPwd. The password for the ResolverUserId account.
• resolverDomain. The domain name of the resolver service.
• xBoxAVFiles. The fully qualified path to the temporary working directory.