Newsinitautoback – Grass Valley Aurora Edit LD v.6.5 Installation User Manual

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Aurora Edit Installation Guide

November 25, 2008

Appendix B Database Maintenance


Cannot shrink file '2' in database 'news' to 12800 pages as
it only contains 256 pages.

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages,
contact your system administrator.


Press any key to exit . . .

C:\Program Files\Grass Valley\Aurora\DB Maintenance>


WARNING: This utility should be used only by experts or as instructed by Grass

Valley personnel, due to required considerations of system load, system drive space,

network load, and necessary familiarity with the Windows at command and Task


This command schedules a system event which will automatically back up the News

database every Monday at 3 am. The event in turn dispatches the vbrAutoBack batch

file, which affects these files in the \Program Files\Grass Valley\Aurora\DB

Maintenance\ directory:

As each successive auto-backup occurs, the previous backup is shifted onto the old

images. After you have run newsInitAutoBack, use the at command or (on Windows

2000) the Task Scheduler to reschedule the event to suit your facility. Alternatively,

without running newsInitAutoBack at all, you can directly schedule an event to dispatch

Before you use this utility, consider these cautions:
• The DNP and DSM systems are highly tuned for load. The backups must occur only

at times when the systems are quiescent. Disregarding this caveat may cause erratic

performance or system-wide failure.

• The backup files, particularly on a DSM, can become quite large and thus

deleteriously affect system performance. If your databases are large, you should plan

to move the backup files off the system as part of the backup process.

• The DNP systems require very high Ethernet performance, particularly for shared

storage. If your backup strategy involves network transfers of the backups, these

systems must not be playing or recording any clips. s

• The newsInitAutoBack command does not check for overlapping backup events. Be

sure to run it only once and inspect its task listing for collisions.


Most recent backup


Previous backup


Most recent backup log


Previous backup log

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