Table 5 – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

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Select one or more models, and click OK.

The selected models are added to the Select Model field.

To remove one or more device models from the field, select the models that you want to
remove, and click Delete Model.

You can use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple models.

To remove all device models from the field, click Delete All.


Configure match criteria for the classifier:


In the Match Criterion area, click Add.
The Classifier Characteristics window appears.


Select a match type from the Type list, and configure the following common parameters for all
match types:

Name—Enter a name for the match criterion.

State—Specify the state for the match criterion. Options are Enabled or Disabled.

Relation—Options are =(match) and !=(matchNot). If you select =(match), all packets
meeting the characteristics are matched. If you select !=(matchNot), all packets failing to

meet the characteristics are matched. If HP device models are included in the Select Model

field, only =(matchNot) is available. When the match type is Any, this parameter cannot be
configured. If HP device models are included in the Select Model field, this parameter does

not appear.

Table 5

describes additional parameters for each match type.

Table 5 Additional parameters

Match Type




Use an ACL as the match

Configure the following additional parameters:

Matching Type—Select an ACL type. Options

are IPv4 ACL and IPv6 ACL.

ACL Number—Enter an ACL number. If you

manually add ACL rules, the value range for
ACL numbers is different from that for

predefined ACLs.

ACL Name—Enter an ACL name.

To manually add an ACL rule:


Click Click to add the rule.


Select a transport protocol, network protocol,

or priority type as the rule. Transport protocols

include TCP and UDP. Network protocols
include EGP, EIGRP, ICMP, OSPF, and VRRP.

Priority types include only DSCP.


Select a direction. Options are Both, Source

Port, and Destination Port. This item can be

configured only when you have selected a
transport protocol as the rule.


Specify the value for the match criterion. This

item cannot be configured when you have
selected a network protocol as the rule.


To add a new ACL rule, click Add.


To delete an ACL rule, click Delete.