Displaying and maintaining arp, Static arp configuration example – H3C Technologies H3C S12500 Series Switches User Manual
Page 19

When dynamic ARP entry check is disabled, the device can learn dynamic ARP entries containing
multicast MAC addresses obtained from the ARP packets sourced from a unicast MAC address. You can
also manually add static ARP entries containing multicast MAC addresses.
To enable dynamic ARP entry check:
Step Command
Enter system view.
Enable dynamic ARP entry check. arp check enable
By default, dynamic ARP entry check is
Displaying and maintaining ARP
Clearing ARP entries from the ARP table might cause communication failures. Make sure the entries to be
cleared do not affect current communications.
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task Command
Display ARP entries (in standalone mode).
display arp [ [ all | dynamic | multiport | static ] [ slot
slot-number ] | vlan vlan-id | interface interface-type
interface-number ] [ count | verbose ]
Display ARP entries (in IRF mode).
display arp [ [ all | dynamic | multiport | static ] [ chassis
chassis-number slot slot-number ] | vlan vlan-id | interface
interface-type interface-number ] [ count | verbose ]
Display the ARP entry for a specific IP
address (in standalone mode).
display arp ip-address [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]
Display the ARP entry for a specific IP
address (in IRF mode).
display arp ip-address [ chassis chassis-number slot slot-number ]
[ verbose ]
Display the ARP entries for a specific VPN
display arp vpn-instance vpn-instance-name [ count ]
Display the aging timer of dynamic ARP
display arp timer aging
Clear ARP entries from the ARP table (in
standalone mode).
reset arp { all | dynamic | interface interface-type
interface-number | multiport | slot slot-number | static }
Clear ARP entries from the ARP table (in IRF
reset arp { all | chassis chassis-number slot slot-number |
dynamic | interface interface-type interface-number | multiport |
static }
Static ARP configuration example
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