Configuration procedure – H3C Technologies H3C S12500 Series Switches User Manual

Page 157

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[SwitchA-Vlan-interface20] quit

# Exclude the DNS server address from dynamic assignment.

[SwitchA] ipv6 dhcp server forbidden-address 1::1:0:0:2

[SwitchA] ipv6 dhcp server forbidden-address 1::2:0:0:2

# Configure the DHCPv6 address pool 1 to assign IPv6 addresses and other configuration
parameters to clients in subnet 1::1:0:0:0/96.

[SwitchA] ipv6 dhcp pool 1

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-1] network 1::1:0:0:0/96 preferred-lifetime 172800

valid-lifetime 345600

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-1] domain-name

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-1] dns-server 1::1:0:0:2

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-1] quit

# Configure the DHCPv6 address pool 2 to assign IPv6 addresses and other configuration

parameters to clients in subnet 1::2:0:0:0/96.

[SwitchA] ipv6 dhcp pool 2

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-2] network 1::2:0:0:0/96 preferred-lifetime 432000

valid-lifetime 864000

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-2] domain-name

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-2] dns-server 1::2:0:0:2

[SwitchA-dhcp6-pool-2] quit


Verifying the configuration

After the preceding configuration is complete, the clients in subnets 1::1:0:0:0/96 and 1::2:0:0:0/96
can obtain IPv6 addresses and other configuration parameters from the DHCPv6 server (Switch A). You

can use the display ipv6 dhcp server ip-in-use command to display IPv6 addresses assigned to the

DHCPv6 clients.