H3C Technologies H3C S12500 Series Switches User Manual
Page 155

# Configure the domain name as aaa.com.
[Switch-dhcp6-pool-1] domain-name aaa.com
# Configure the SIP server address as 2:2::4, and the SIP server name as bbb.com.
[Switch-dhcp6-pool-1] sip-server address 2:2::4
[Switch-dhcp6-pool-1] sip-server domain-name bbb.com
[Switch-dhcp6-pool-1] quit
# Enable the DHCPv6 server on VLAN-interface 2, enable desired prefix assignment and rapid prefix
assignment, and set the preference to the highest.
[Switch] interface vlan-interface 2
[Switch-Vlan-interface2] ipv6 dhcp select server
[Switch-Vlan-interface2] ipv6 dhcp server allow-hint preference 255 rapid-commit
Verifying the configuration
# Display DHCPv6 server configuration on VLAN-interface 2.
[Switch-Vlan-interface2] display ipv6 dhcp server interface vlan-interface 2
Using pool: global
Preference value: 255
Allow-hint: Enabled
Rapid-commit: Enabled
# Display information about address pool 1.
[Switch-Vlan-interface2] display ipv6 dhcp pool 1
DHCPv6 pool: 1
Network: 1::/64
Preferred lifetime 604800, valid lifetime 2592000
Prefix pool: 1
Preferred lifetime 86400, valid lifetime 259200
Static bindings:
DUID: 00030001ca0006a40000
IAID: Not configured
Prefix: 2001:410:201::/48
Preferred lifetime 86400, valid lifetime 259200
DNS server addresses:
Domain name:
SIP server addresses:
SIP server domain names:
# Display information about prefix pool 1.
[Switch-Vlan-interface2] display ipv6 dhcp prefix-pool 1
Prefix: 2001:410::/32
Assigned length: 48
Total prefix number: 65536
Available: 65535
In-use: 0
Static: 1
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