Eneo EKR-32/8 User Manual
Page 87
Each keyboard may have the following settings:
not connected
always enabled
never enabled (operated by time events)
enabled during open periods
enabled during closed periods
Irrespective of these settings, enabling connected keyboards may be further modified by Time Keyboard
Events (3.4.16 Time Events, page 23).
If a keyboard is not enabled any command made to the matrix will be ignored.
Enabling the Relays
(Are relays used? Are they controlled by alarms or by Time Relay Events?)
Each of the 8 relays can be controlled automatically either by the alarms or by Time Relay Events.
Simultaneous control by both is not possible.
A relay may be:
controlled by the alarms
always closed or always open
closed or open depending on the period
Furthermore the relay status may be modified by Time Relay Events (3.4.16 Time Events, page 23).
Each relay may have the following settings:
ON ALARM: relay closure is controlled by alarm; if the alarms controlling the relay are off the relay is
open; if at least one of the control alarms is on, the relay closes.
ALWAYS CLOSED: the relay closes irrespective of the period
ALWAYS OPEN: the relay opens irrespective of the period
OPEN PER. CLOSED: the relay closes during the open period and opens during the closed period
CLOSED PER. CLOSED: the relay closes during the closed period and opens during the open period.
The last two items can be used for switching on and off devices connected to the matrix (lights during the
night or sensors, for example) depending on the time band.
Master Monitor
Monitor 1 can be used as Master Monitor when it is to be assigned to specific surveillance operations.
Messages on the Master Monitor
(Do you want to receive warning messages on 1?)
Every significant event occurring to the matrix (alarm events and reset, video signal loss, period change
etc.) can be shown on the Master Monitor. When the event is recognised the flashing indication
appears at the bottom right of the Master Monitor (monitor number 1).
Security personnel can then immediately view the event that has occurred by pressing
and then take
appropriate action when necessary. After looking at the event log, the Master Operator may decide to
delete the complete log or just a single line. Consecutive numbering means it is easy to decipher the
succession of events (later events have a higher consecutive number).
The log can have a maximum of 100 lines: when 100 lines are reached the least recent messages are
3. Setup
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