Requesting and viewing a report – Wavetronix Command Collector (CMD-DCx) - User Guide User Manual

Page 74

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volume and the volume of vehicles that fit the length classification. The columns also

contains the percentage of volume the classification data represents.


Daily Hourly – Contains the speed, volume, occupancy, and classification values for a

sensor for one day by hour and approach (see Figure 6.9). The start date will default

to the previous day. If more than one day is selected, the data is summed, making the

speed and occupancy data invalid. If the Average Sensor Data checkbox is checked

and multiple sensors are selected, then the sensor date for all the sensors will be aver-

aged into the report and the data will display on a single page. If the checkbox is un-

checked, then the data for each sensor will be displayed on a separate page.

Figure 6.9 – Daily Hourly Report

The data is displayed by the hour for a given approach. The columns contain volume,

speed, occupancy, and the classification counts for the various vehicle lengths.

Requesting and Viewing a Report

Once all report settings are complete, click the Create Report button to request the report.

The Requested Reports table will contain a link to the new report.


Reports may take a while to process depending on the number of sensors and
amount of time between start and end dates.