Autoscope, Lane information (required), Custom fields – Wavetronix Command Collector (CMD-DCx) - User Guide User Manual
Page 113: Data fields enabled
Description – A description of the sensor’s location.
Serial Number – The sensor’s serial number.
Version – The sensor’s firmware version.
Lane Information (Required)
Direction – Indicates not only the direction of traffic in each lane, but also how many
lanes are active and how many and which lanes the sensor is capturing data from.
Description – These fields are optional.
Lane information will need to be entered in order for Collector to interpret and store the
lane data correctly. Set the Direction field for each lane (one to a maximum of eight) to be
a value other than “OFF” to activate the lane.
The Autoscope is a camera with a video detection system that delivers traffic data collection
and incident detection (see Figure 9.6). The Detector ID fields allow you to enter the zone
numbers you want to monitor.
Figure 9.6 – Autoscope Custom Panel
Custom Fields
Location – Allows you to enter the camera’s location. This can be a description or geo-
graphical coordinates.
MVP ID – Autoscope’s ID for the camera. This will need to be set manually and can be
found using the Autoscope Network browser. The MVP ID is needed for collection pur-
poses because Collector does not communicate directly with the Autoscope camera.
Units – Allows you to select the units being used by the device.
Sensor Interval – The onboard sensor collection interval in seconds.
Data Fields Enabled
The Data Fields Enabled settings tell the collection which fields to look for. These check-