Custom configuration panel, Standard sensor information panel – Wavetronix Command Collector (CMD-DCx) - User Guide User Manual

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Standard Sensor



Figure 5.6 – Sensor Config Tab

Custom Configuration Panel

Each sensor can potentially have a wide variety of configuration settings not shared by

other driver brands. Collector supports various configurations and sensor attributes by pro-

viding a custom configuration panel.

Once the Sensor Config page is opened, the custom configuration panel will automatically

display specific configuration information options. If you have the proper permissions,

changes to the sensor configuration can be made and saved to the database (see Chapter 8

for information on the various drivers and settings).

Standard Sensor Information Panel

The standard sensor information panel is common across all sensors and contains some

sensor information as well as the following configuration information that can be changed

and saved to the Collector database:


IP Address/Hostname – Allows you to change the IP address or hostname used to

communicate with a sensor. Changes made and saved to the IP Address/Hostname

field will be put into effect the next time Collector attempts to communicate with the



Port – Allows you to change the port number used by Collector to communicate with

the sensor in conjunction with the IP address/hostname. Changes made and saved to

the port number will be put into effect the next time Collector attempts to communi-

cate with the sensor.


Multi-drop ID – Allows you to change the given sensor-specific ID or address used with

this sensor. On some sensors, this field may not be displayed until the Attach to Multi-

drop Server box is checked. Depending on the driver and communication configura-

tion, having a value in this field may not be necessary to communicate with the sensor.