Output report type – Wavetronix Command Collector (CMD-DCx) - User Guide User Manual
Page 70
Collector has limited data storage (7 days for interval data and 90 days for aggre-
gated data).
Interval – Select the data interval size for the report (either the natural sensor interval
or in 5-, 15- or 60-minute bins).
Form – Select whether to list data by individual lane, group them together in approach-
es or bin all lanes together as a complete sensor for listing in the finished report.
Timestamp – Select whether data timestamps are set to be at the beginning of the data
or aggregation interval (Collector default) or at the end when the report is created.
Email (optional) – Send the completed report to a given email address as a file attach-
ment. More than one email address can be included by separating the addresses with
a semicolon.
Output Report Type
There are several types of reports you can create using Collector, including daily/weekly
classification reports and weekly volume reports. In addition to text and XML, there are
also the following options:
TMDD – TMDD is a specially formatted XML file with specific information required
for some government reports and is included in Collector for convenience. TMDD
reports require data to be broken down by lane; selecting the TMDD option will auto-
matically switch the Form drop down list to By Lane.
Missing Intervals – Shows the sensor and time for which intervals are missing data
(see Figure 6.3).
Figure 6.3 – Missing Intervals Report