Setting input levels, Recording additional tracks, Undoing operations (undo) – Teac DP-006 User Manual

Page 58: Undoing the last operation (single undo), Setting input levels recording additional tracks, 6 – basic recording

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6 – Basic Recording

Setting input levels

Just as though you were recording, you can monitor the sound of already

recorded tracks playing back and the input sources of the tracks for recording,

allowing you to check the monitoring balance and volume.

Recording additional tracks

While pressing and holding the Record (0) button, press the Play (7)

While listening to the playback tracks, make new recordings on other tracks.

Undoing operations (undo)

This unit allows you to undo, for example, unwanted operations and

recordings that were unsuccessful. Undo can be used on many ordinary

operations, including editing and recording operations. This unit has two

types of undo functions. Single undo can be used with a simple button press,

while multi-undo allows you to return to and undo a specific past operation.


The UN/REDO indicator lights when a single undo or multi-undo has been

conducted and there is an undone operation that can be redone.

Undoing the last operation (single undo)

Press the UN/REDO button to return to the state before the last operation was

conducted. After doing this, the UN/REDO indicator lights, showing that redo

(see below) is possible.

UN/REDO indicator


Cancelling an undo operation (redo)

Press the UN/REDO button when it is lit to return to the state of the last

operation. The UN/REDO indicator turns OFF.


If single undo is used when multi-undo (described below) has already

been used to return the unit to a previous state, it will go one more step

backward. If you press the UN/REDO button again to redo the step, the

single undo operation is cancelled, and the previous multi-undo state

is restored. In this case, the unit is not restored to the most recently

conducted operation, so the UN/REDO indicator remains lit because

further redo operations are possible.