Viewing song information, Copying songs, Viewing song information copying songs – Teac DP-006 User Manual

Page 48: 5 – song management

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5 – Song Management

Viewing song information

You can check the name (title), MTR partition and remaining recording time

of the currently loaded song on the SONG (1/4) page of the INFORMATION

screen. (See “Viewing information” on page 78.)
1. When the recorder is stopped, press the MENU button to open the



2. Use the DATA wheel to select (highlight) the INFORMATION item, and

press the F4 [t] button.

This opens the SONG (1/4) page of the INFORMATION screen, which

shows the name and remaining recording time of the current song.


The INFORMATION screen has four pages, including SONG (1/4), CARD

(2/4), SYSTEM (3/4) and F/W (4/4). Use the F3 [PREV] and F4 [NEXT]

buttons to change the page. (See “Viewing information” on page 78.)

Copying songs

Songs in the currently active partition can be copied to the same and different

MTR partitions. Multiple songs can also be copied at once.
1. When the recorder is stopped, press the MENU button to open the



2. Use the DATA wheel to select (highlight) the SONG item, and press the

F4 [t] button to open the SONG menu screen.

3. Use the DATA wheel to select (highlight) the COPY item, and press the

F4 [t] button to open the SONG COPY screen.

A list of songs on the active partition is shown.

4. Use the DATA wheel to select (highlight) the song you want copy, and

press the F4 [✔] button.

The song is selected as a copy source and a check appears in the
