Harken 3811 System A CB & Slider Battcar User Manual

Page 17

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System A (CB/slider)


Use shockcord to hold Lazy Jacks open so Battcars and

battens will not catch on them when hoisting sail. This will

also help stop Lazy Jacks from slapping on sail. Attach one

end to lower spreader tips and the other to Lazy Jacks. Make

sure shockcord is long enough so boom can swing out all the

way without damaging spreaders.

Operating Precautions

When lowering sail, do not let halyard go.

Ease cars down by keeping a wrap on winch.

IMPORTANT! On unstayed masts, avoid
over-rotation of sail.

On boats with unstayed masts, vang must be

used to prevent over-rotation of upper part of

sail. Over-rotation can damage batten receptacles.

CB/Slider Systems

Lazy Jacks

Removing Sail (CB System)

From cars: Remove clevis pin from head of sail. Use a 4 mm

hex wrench and a 8 mm wrench or nut driver on other cars.

Cars and sail: Keep cars lined up with track when sliding off.

Inspect cars: 20 balls per side. Replace

5 mm locknut after two removals.

CB/Slider Systems

Removing Sail

Car Maintenance/Cleaning (CB System)

Clean beginning of season, or if cars bind. Squirt detergent and water into ball

bearings. Circulate by moving cars up and down. Let stand. To remove deter-

gent, spray water into ball bearings and circulate. Clean tracks with detergent

and water.

Use OneDrop

Ball Conditioner (CB System)

Once dry, use only a single drop of McLube


OneDrop™ ball bearing

conditioner. Do not use spray lubricants because ball bearings may skid not

roll. Apply one to two drops of McLube OneDrop to ball contact surfaces of

track. Roll car back and forth through OneDrop several times to distribute onto

bearings. Wipe remaining OneDrop off track. OneDrop is preferred, but you

can also use one to two drops of a light machine oil. Too much attracts dirt.











Removing Sail (Slider System)

If your system has slider Battcars without ball

bearings, leave slides attached and slide cars off,

beginning at the bottom.


Inspect Battcars for loose locknuts. Replace. Inspect batten receptacles for loose screws.


McLube is a registered trademark of McGee Industries, Inc.