Fluke Biomedical 2MF Index User Manual
Page 26

Index 2MF
Users Guide
Selecting SIM opens the menu displaying the following:
MAN to run manual simulations
PRESET to run factory-defined simulations
AMB to set ambient light levels
CUST to create custom makes
esc softkey to return to Main Menu 1
LMTS lets you set the alarm limits for oxygen, beats per minute, pulse amplitude, and
lets you set up a timer for asystole.
Selecting LMTS opens the menu displaying the following:
O2 to set up Sp02 alarm limits level and response time
BPM to set up rate alarm limits and response time
AMP to select pulse amplitude limits
ASYS to set up asystole
PRBE offers the electrical probe test menu to analyze oximeter probe integrity. Tests
include LED voltages, photo diode results, and pin-to-pin resistance.
Selecting PRBE tests attached probes and displays the following options:
LEDS to view the red and infrared LEDs
PHTO to view photo diode results
RES to view pin-to-pin resistance
REDO (requires an attached probe)
esc softkey to return to Main Menu 1