DNF Controls Universal Switch Panel (USP-8, USP-8D, & USP-16) User Manual
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24 OF 41 Universal Switch Panel (USP) User Manual
1) Click on the GPOs button. The GPO Configuration page will be displayed.
The USP-16, USP-8A, and USP-EM-16 will display 16 GPOs. The USP-8 will
display 8 GPOs.
2) Click on the drop down arrow in each column to view the list of available
options/ values. Select the desired option/ value by clicking on it.
3) Click in the User Defined ON State column and select the desired ON state of
the GPO.
4) Click in the Operating Mode column and select the operating mode for the
5) If Operation Mode= Momentary or MomentaryFF, click in the Momentary ON
Time column and select the ON duration for the GPO. This is the amount of
time the GPO will stay on before automatically turning OFF. (The selected
time is multiplied by 10 milliseconds to compute the actual ON time.)
6) Repeat steps 3 - 5 to configure each GPO.
7) Click on the Save button to save changes. Changes will take effect
immediately after saving.
Click on any other page button to exit without saving changes.