DNF Controls PBUS G and V Command Addendum User Manual
Pbus ‘g’ and ‘v’ commands addendum

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Version 032213
The PBUS protocol has been extended to add two commands that allow
control of GTP-32/DC21 GPOs and Virtual GPIs using text based commands.
These additional commands allow control of GPOs, VTR transport, switcher
crosspoint, or any other actions supported by the GTP-32 / DC21 from a
serial or ethernet interface. The Virtual GPIs are source events (VGPI_x)
that appear in the Event Monitoring Table source label drop down table.
“GTP” will be used throughout the document to include the GTP-32
Programmable-Logic Control Processor and DC21 Device Controller.
Serial Interface
Baud Rate: 38400
Parity: ODD
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Ethernet Interface
Default port: 50030
On the Protocol Assignment Table web page of the GTP, the selection of the
interface is done under the “Edit Protocol Assignment table” link on the page.
Each channel will have a Physical Connector drop down menu where the
selection of serial or Ethernet can be made.
Select Serial to use the serial interface. Select Ethernet to use the Ethernet
12843 Foothill Blvd. Suite C
Sylmar, California 91342
V: 818.898.3380
F: 818.898.3360