DNF Controls GC-32 GPIO Controller User Manual
Gc-32 gpio controller programming manual

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Programming Manual
Revision History
05/09/12 First release
07/26/12 Added Table of Contents and product front & rear view
OVERVIEW................................................................................ 1
FRONT VIEW............................................................................. 2
REAR VIEW ............................................................................... 2
DEFAULT SETTINGS .................................................................. 2
PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION ......................................................... 3
GC-32 COMMAND SET ............................................................... 4
CONFIGURATION WEB PAGES................................................... 8
CONNECTORS- GPI, GPO ........................................................ 10
CONFIGURE GPIS FOR DRY/WET OPERATION ........................ 12
CONFIGURE GPOS FOR DRY/WET OPERATION ....................... 13
LIMITED WARRANTY .............................................................. 14
The GC-32 controls 32 individual GPOs (relay contact closure outputs) and monitors 32
individual GPIs (opto isolated inputs).
Upon receipt of a GPO control command the GC-32 will turn on or off the specified GPO,
or turn all GPOs on or off as specified within the command. The GPO command also
details the time that the GPO will stay on. A time of zero (0) will latch the GPO on. Any
other time 1 – 255 (x 10ms) will cause the GPO to turn off when the specified time in the
command elapses.
A GPI change of state notification will be sent automatically when a GPI change of state
is detected. The notification may include one or more GPIs and will contain the affected
GPI and its current state. The GPI state is communicated by an incrementing count. An
even count indicates that the GPI is off. An odd count indicates that t GPI is on. The
count will wrap from its maximum value to zero. If a client is not connected, GPI
notifications for that connection will be discarded.
The GC-32 is configured as a server and the 3
party application is the client. The client
will establish a TCP/IP connection to port 50001 or 50002 to control and monitor the GC-
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