BECKHOFF EL6900-FB User Manual
Page 16

System description
Function blocks for TwinSAFE logic terminals
With the KL6904 copying of the diagnostic information to the cyclic process image is
only possible to a limited extent. The checkboxes ‘Map State’ and ‘Map Diag’ are not
Figure 2-4: Emergency Stop
The TwinSAFE connections status is displayed on the TwinSAFE connection list summary under the
"Connection List" tab. Diagnostics bits are also set in addition to the status.
Figure 2-5: Connection List
If the checkboxes ‘Map State’ and ‘Map Diag’ for the individual TwinSAFE connections are set, the status
and diagnostic data for the connections are copied into the cyclic process image and can be linked
directly with PLC variables. In addition, the safe inputs and outputs can be copied into the cyclic process
image and used for diagnostic purposes.
With the KL6904 copying of the diagnostic information to the cyclic process image is
only possible to a limited extent. The checkboxes ‘Map State’, ‘Map Diag’‚ ‘Map Inputs’
and ‘Map Outputs’ are not available. The button “Com Err Ack” is also not available.