Comments – BECKHOFF CP-Link3 User Manual

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Known problems:

TwinCAT RT-Ethernet driver
If CP-Link 3 uses a network adapter which is configured as TwinCAT RT-Ethernet Adapter at the same time, this
may result in dropped connection on high network usage.
Please use TwinCAT 2.11, Build 1552 or newer, beginning with this version this issue is fixed.

Icons not visible
In certain cases icons of the host PC's desktop, or the pictograms for applications running on the host PC, are
only partially visible on the clients display, if at all. This phenomenon is only observed on multi-monitor host PCs.
In addition, only those clients that are displaying the screen content of the host PC's standard display device are
affected. This is a known issue in the Microsoft operating system Windows XP
( ).


Remote desktop
It is not possible to use CP-Link 3 Configuration in a Remote Desktop session.

If a network adapter of a CP-Link 3 client is used both for the CP-Link 3 connection as well as for real-time
Ethernet, it is not possible to transmit the “Virtual Graphics” data by UDP. If only one network adapter is available
for CP-Link 3 and real-time Ethernet, the “Virtual Graphics” data for the client must be transmitted by TCP (see
also the Client Configuration section).

Installation order of CP-Link 3 and TwinCAT
When installing CP-Link 3 or TwinCAT assure to install TwinCAT before CP-Link 3 (see also the Update of
TcUsb.sys section).

BECKHOFF CP-Link 3: Appendix