BECKHOFF CP-Link3 User Manual
Page 30

Page 30
The labelling and the behaviour of the button depends on the colour of the status field for the selected client:
The status field is coloured green (the button is labelled Remove Client ):
The client will be removed immediately from the client list by clicking Remove Client .
The status field is coloured white (the button is labelled Remove Client ):
The status field is coloured red until the change is adopted by clicking Apply. Only then is the client finally
removed from the client list.
The status field is already coloured red (the button is labelled Undo Removal ):
The removal mark will be removed by clicking on the button again.
The status fields of a number of selected clients have different colours (the button is labelled Toggle Removal
Marks ):
Clients that are green will be removed immediately from the client list, clients that are marked in red will have their
removal mark removed, while the status field for clients whose status field is white will turn red.
If clients are to be removed from the client list, and if they are marked red in the status field in front of the client name,
the changes will not finally be adopted till Apply is clicked.