Graphics – BECKHOFF CP-Link3 User Manual
Page 38

Page 38
An Elo touch panel, connected serially, can be operated through a virtual serial interface. The appropriate Elo-Touch
driver has to be installed for the selected port. For this purpose, start the installation application EloSetup.exe and follow
the instructions of he installation wizard.
A client's settings for the “Virtual Graphics” area are made on the Graphics tab. An asterisk next to the name of the tab
indicates that the settings for the “Virtual Graphics” section have been changed, but have not yet been activated with
Apply .
The “Virtual Graphics” functionality for the client can be enabled or disabled by setting or clearing the tick in the Graphics
selection box.
The diagram on the left shows all the display devices available on the host PC, indicated by the monitor symbols. One of
the display devices listed can be assigned to one client, which means that this client should show the screen contents of
the assigned display device. The assigned display device becomes green, while all the other display devices are shown
blue. If a display device is inactive, this is shown by cross-hatching. A monitor symbol that is crossed through indicates
those display devices that can not be assigned to a client. Such devices include, for instance, additionally installed
graphics cards, or the second output of a dual-head graphics card (see also the Functioning section).
Assignment of a display device to a client
The display device is first selected by clicking on a monitor symbol, and this can be seen from the light blue border.
Similarly, a display device can also be chosen from the selection list ( Device ) shown at the top right. The selected
device can now be assigned to the client by clicking Use Selected Device for Client or through a right click on the
selected display device. The assigned display device is emphasized in green.