Setting the flow control, Resetting to default values – Avery Dennison Monarch 9855 Operator Handbook User Manual
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5-4 Operator's Handbook
S e t t i n g t h e F l o w Co n t ro l
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Flow Control
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or to display the flow control you need, then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
XON is 17; XOFF is 19. Set flow control to DTR for PC computers
(unless you have XON/XOFF software).
R e s e t t i n g t o D ef a u l t V a l u e s
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Are you sure?
or to make your selection, then press Enter/Pause. If you select
"Yes," the following defaults are restored: 9600 baud, No parity, 8 bit word
length, and 1 stop bit. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.