9445™ printer online emulation, Ordering programmer's manuals, About monarch® mpcl™ toolbox utilities – Avery Dennison Monarch 9855 Operator Handbook User Manual

Page 12: Connecting the power cable

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1-4 Operator's Handbook

9 4 4 5 ™ P r i n t e r O n l i n e E mu l a t i o n

The 9855 printer using 203 dpi (dots per inch) printing supports 94x5
emulation. You can send 94x5 data streams to this printer.

Refer to your 9445 Programmer's Manual for information about 94x5 data

O rd e ri n g P ro g r am m e r ' s M an u al s

The Packet Reference Manual, which describes how to create format and
batch packets for printing labels, how to configure the printer online, how to
diagnose printer error messages, and how to perform other advanced
techniques can be downloaded from our Web site

). You can print this manual or order a

hard-copy version (part number TC9800PM).

A b o u t M o n a r ch ® M P CL ™ T o o l b o x Ut i l i t i e s

The Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox utilities are available on our W eb site and
are free to download. This group of development utilities helps you
configure the printer, customize fonts, and download files. Monarch MPCL
Toolbox utilities are not label production software. Call Customer Service
for information about label production software.

C o n n e ct i n g t h e P o w er C ab l e

The power supply automatically switches between 115V or 230V. No
operator settings are required.

1. Plug the power cable into the socket. Plug the other end of the cable

into a grounded electrical outlet.


Only use a certified power cable with proper voltage for the country
of installation.

2. Turn on the printer. Press ( I ) to turn on and ( O ) to turn off the printer.