Sample freeze wrapper for multiple pr regions – Altera Partial Reconfiguration IP Core User Manual

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Figure 12: Configuring Corrupted .rbf

Sample Freeze Wrapper for Multiple PR Regions

The following Verilog HDL pseudocode shows an example of how to create a simple freeze wrapper for

two PR regions.
The same method can be applied to any number of PR regions.

// pseudocode for a simple freeze wrapper for two PR regions
module design_top (…);
// user selects region A or B to be PR’ed
input pr_region_A_or_B;
input pr_start;

assign freeze_A_w = pr_region_A_or_B ? pr_freeze_w : 1’b0;
assign freeze_B_w = pr_region_A_or_B ? 1’b0 : pr_freeze_w;

// freeze output of PR IP core
alt_pr_sv my_alt_pr (
.freeze (pr_freeze_w), // always stays low until user asserts pr_start
.pr_start (pr_start),

// Freeze wrapper for input signals of single PR region A
// Follow existing recommendations in the PR user guide for the details



Sample Freeze Wrapper for Multiple PR Regions


Partial Reconfiguration IP Core

Altera Corporation

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