Storing banks and programs, Importing vst or audiounit presets, Copying, inserting and comparing programs – Waldorf Edition User Manual

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Waldorf Edition

User Manual



Select the desired Sound Program by clicking on a menu entry.

Storing Banks and Programs

In the PPG Wave 2.V, you can save both single Sound Programs or a complete
Sound Bank. An exception is the AudioUnit version of the PPG Wave 2.V on the OS
X version. There you can only save complete Sound Banks.
You can save complete banks or single programs. For information on saving, please
read the corresponding manual section of your host application.
When you save your song or project file, the following information is saved with it:

The number of PPG Wave 2.V modules used in the Song

Which Banks and Programs were used

Even the changed settings of edited Programs are stored


However, if you wish to use the edited version of a program in another song,
then you must save it manually before.

Importing VST or AudioUnit Presets into the corresponding plug-in format (Ma-
cintosh only)

VST and AudioUnit use different formats to save the plug-in data. If you had created
a program in a VST host and want to use it in an AudioUnit host (or vice versa),
please proceed as follows:

Save the program in the original host as a single Preset or Program. In VST hosts,
those files typically have the suffix „fxp“, in AudioUnit hosts they are called „au-

Quit that host and start the other host that supports the corresponding plug-in
format. Open an instance of the plug-in.

Shift+Click on the Program button.

Select the file to import from the Open dialog.

Confirm the selection with OK.

The Preset or Program is loaded and can be played as usual.

Copying, inserting and comparing Programs

Using the COPY button, you can copy the current Sound into a clipboard memory
and from here paste it into another Program slot using the PASTE button. This can
e.g. be useful, if you wish to quickly stack several Sounds of similar type in the Pro-
gram menu, and play the slightly different versions. If the clipboard contains a
sound, the COPY button lights up in red, until you have pasted it somewhere else.
Please note that the clipboard can only contain one sound program at a time. If you
use COPY to copy a second sound into the clipboard, the first will inevitably be de-
leted. Provided that you have not deleted it by copying again, a Sound that you have
inserted somewhere using PASTE, remains to be available on the clipboard and can
be pasted into other Program slots.