Waldorf Edition User Manual
Page 21
Waldorf Edition
User Manual
12 dB Hi Pass Filter. This type is useful to thin out a sound’s bass fre-
quencies. This may also give interesting results in conjunction with cutoff
frequency modulation. By doing this you can "fly-in" a sound, starting with
its high harmonics and then coming up to its full frequency range. You can
cut the bass and mid range of high frequency drum sounds like hi-hats or
12 dB Band Pass Filter. This type removes frequencies both below and
above the cutoff point. As a result, the sound character gets thinner. Use
these filter types when programming effect and percussion-like sounds.
12 dB Notch Filter. This type is the opposite of the band pass type. It
dampens frequencies around the cutoff point. Frequencies below or above
the cutoff point are passed through. Use this filter type for programming ef-
fect sounds. Resonance has no great influence because it raises the fre-
quencies that the notch filter dampens. You can hear a little effect of phase
changes, but not to any great degree.
EQ Lo- or Hi- Shelf Filter: Unlike a normal synthesiser filter, this filter
type works like an equalizer. When the resonance parameter is set below
50%, the filter works as Hi Shelf, raising high frequencies up to 12 db. Va-
lues over 50% cause the filter to work as Lo Shelf. Now, deep frequencies
can be raised up to 12db. The Cutoff knob sets the center frequency of the
Shelf EQ.
EQ Bell Type Function: Like the EQ Lo- or Hi-Shelf, this filter type has
an equalizer function. The Resonance knob serves as gain, raising or lo-
wering the frequency set with the Cutoff knob up to 12db.
11.56 Hz...18794 Hz
Controls the cutoff frequency for the low pass and high pass filter types, and the cen-
ter frequency for the band pass and notch filter types. It has a special function for the
EQ Type Filter.
When the low pass type is selected, all frequencies above the cutoff frequency are
When the high pass type is selected, all frequencies below the cutoff frequency
are dampened.
When the band pass type is selected, only frequencies near the cutoff setting will
be passed through.
When the notch type is selected, the frequencies near the cutoff frequency are
When EQ Lo- or Hi-Shelf is selected, the cutoff knob selects the start frequency of
the Shelf EQ.
When EQ Bell Type is selected, the frequencies near the cutoff frequency are
boosted or dampened with the Resonance parameter.