Functions of the preset menu, Midi functions, Playing the attack polyphonically – Waldorf Edition User Manual

Page 11: Midi control of the attack

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Waldorf Edition

User Manual



Recall Sound

restores the sound to its original saved settings. Use this function if

you’re not happy with the edited sound.

Recall Kit

restores the drum kit to its original saved settings. Use this function if

you’re not happy with the edited drum kit.

Functions of the Preset Menu

The Preset menu in the upper left corner of the plug-in offers different entries with
suggested default preferences for the various drum sounds and kits as well as two
random functions. Select the corresponding entry when you know what sort of drum
sound you wish to program.

Init Sound

restores the selected sound to its basic settings.

Random Sound

creates a random sound. With this parameter you easily can

create new and possibly interesting sounds.

Init Kit

restores the drum kit to its basic settings.

Random Kit

creates a random drum kit. With this parameter you easily can crea-

te new and interesting kits.

MIDI Functions

The MIDI interface of the Attack is identical in its most aspects to the interface of
most common synthesizers. When the MIDI connection is set up, the Attack can be
played over the key range from C1 to G9 if required. The 24 sounds can be played
through MIDI notes C1 to B2, thus affording 1 sound per key. This is a common lay-
out for a drum and percussion synthesiser, making it possible to play the sounds on
the keyboard next to each other.
Additionally, the upper 12 sounds of the Attack can be played melodically and po-
lyphonically on the keyboard on MIDI Channels 1 through 12. This is because the
Attack is capable of producing other sounds such as basses or leads with its synthesis
functions. These sounds call for playing over a greater key range than 1 key. For the-
se 12 sounds, the key range from C3 to G9 is available for melodic playing.


Please note that playing sounds melodically is only possible for the upper 12
sounds on MIDI channels 1 to 12.

Playing the Attack Polyphonically

The Attack offers a 5 octave keyboard. If you choose one of the upper 12 sounds
with the sound select button, the Attack’s keyboard and pitch bender appears on-
screen, allowing you to play the selected sound melodically with your mouse on that
keyboard or via a connected MIDI keyboard. As soon as you select one of the lower
12 sounds, the keyboard becomes invisible.

MIDI Control of the Attack

All functions of the Attack can be controlled by MIDI controller data. The sounds 1
through 12 receive MIDI controllers from #12 to #59, while sounds 13 through 24
receive #72 to #119. This is only possible when transmitting on channels 1 through