Classes – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 8

ExamView Test Manager
The ExamView Test Manager provides the features you need to track results for paper and online tests. To begin, you must
create a new class. Then, you can manually enter the student information or import a roster from another format such as your
grade book.
When you create classes, you can include just the basic information about your students (name, student ID) or include a great
deal of additional information (gender, sociological/economic information, race/ethnicity, and more). The more optional
information you include about your students, the more detailed class and individual reports you will be able to generate.
You do NOT have to set up a class if you do not plan to track student results. With ExamView Test
Generator, you can create online tests that can be taken by anyone using the ExamView Test
Player. This is especially useful if you are creating practice tests and you do not care about
recording the students' scores. See the help file included with the
more information on creating online tests without a class roster.
This chapter covers the following topics:
Importing a Class Roster from Text (Mac)
Importing a Class Roster from Text (PC)
Importing a Class Roster Through the Wizard
Performing Advanced Import Mapping (PC Only)
Importing a Class Roster from CPS
Exporting a Class Roster as a Text File
Exporting a Class Roster as a CPS Database