Importing a class roster from text (pc) – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
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ExamView Test Manager
Use the drop down lists to map the text data to the ExamView Test Manager field.
First name, Last name, and Student ID fields are required. The other data fields are optional.
Text information can be used for multiple Test Manager fields. For example, a student's last name could also be used
for their student ID.
Click OK. The imported students are added to the current class.
Any records in the text file with duplicate IDs or do not conform to the same standards as the other data records in the
file are skipped.
Importing a Class Roster from Text (PC)
If you have your class roster saved as a text file, you can import it into ExamView Test Manager. Student names, ID,
password, and alias information can be mapped to the text file and imported. The PC version of ExamView Test Manager
features advanced mapping capabilities that uses an Import Class Roster Wizard and allows all of the additional student
demographic information to be imported.
Start ExamView Test Manager to begin a new class or open an existing class.
From the File menu, select Import then the Class Roster from Text option. A file selection window will appear.
The text file should contain comma-delimited or tab-delimited data elements.
Text files can be TXT or CSV formats.
Select the text file to import and click Open. The Import Class Roster Wizard start-up screen appears.
Select the option to Start a new import definition profile or, if available, Load an existing import definition profile
then click OK. The first step of the Import Class Roster Wizard will appear.
About import definition profiles :
All settings and mapping choices made while using the Import Class Roster Wizard are stored in the import
definition profile. If the profile is selected in a future import, these setting are loaded into the wizard dialogs. You
must still click through the steps of the wizard. You may choose to use the definition profile without any changes
or make adjustments to the import mapping and save the definition as a new profile.
At the end of the import mapping process, you will be asked if you want to save the import definition profile.
You can save your progress in the Import Class Roster Wizard at any time by closing the window or clicking
Cancel. You will be asked if you want to save the import definition profile.
The list of available import definition profiles is made from saved TID definition files stored in the Extras folder
within the ExamView program folder.
Import definition profiles that are common for a school or district can be created and
distributed or shared. Simply add the TID definition file to the Extras folder in your ExamView
program folder.