Clearing student results – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

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ExamView Test Manager



If you discover that an answer on your key is incorrect, do not use the Edit Scores command
for each student. Instead, click Assignment from the menu bar and select Edit Assignment
Information, click the Question tab, and adjust the correct answer.


If necessary, click the name of the student whose scores you wish to edit.


Enter/edit the scores in the Points Earned column as necessary. For online and scanned tests, the student's
responses appear in the Student Response area. Use the tab key to move from question to question.


Click Fill to fill the Points Earned column with all of the points possible for open-ended
questions. Use the fill option and then edit the scores for questions where the student did not
earn full credit as a quick way to enter scores for open-ended questions.

You can enter a number in the Points Earned column that is larger than the Points Possible.
This is an easy way to assign bonus points/extra credit.


To view a particular question, tab to the appropriate question and click View Question. To reset scores for the current
student back to their original state before you made edits, click Reset.


Click the name of a different student or click Previous or Next to move to a different student.


Click Done when you are finished entering/editing scores.


After entering/editing scores, click View from the menu bar and select either Points or
Percentages or click the toolbar icon to toggle how the scores are displayed. Go to the
Assignments Preferences to set the number of decimal places displayed for percentages.

Clearing Student Results

Use the Clear Student Results option to clear the results for one or more assignments for a particular student. Use this option if
you want to give the student a chance to retake one or more assignments.


Highlight the student for which you wish to clear results.


If you want to delete an entire student record,
not just their results, use the Delete Student


Click Student from the menu bar and select Clear
Student Results


Results cannot be cleared for students who
are currently taking the test with the
ExamView Test Player.