Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 25

ExamView Test Manager
Click File and select Update Online Tests.
A list of the active LAN test assignments appears. For each assignment, the test file name and status appear. The
status indicates whether the test file is currently in-sync with Test Manager or if information needs to be communicated.
The status of an assignment may be any of the following:
OK - Everything is up to date.
needs update - The information in the online (EOT) test file does not match the information in Test Manager. For
example, the assignment settings have been changed, students have been added to the roster, or the results
have been cleared since the last time the class file was saved.
missing assignment - The online test file was found, but the assignment does not exist in the file.
file not found - The online test file cannot be found. It has been moved or deleted.
file in use - The online test file is currently being used. A student may be taking the test.
If any files are in use, highlight the file and click Info to see which student or students are currently accessing the test. If
you want to update this test, you will need to have these students quit accessing the test.
Any files that have a status of needs update, missing assignment, or file not found will have a check mark next to them.
Click Update to update these files. For any files with a status of file not found, you will be given the opportunity to locate
the online test file.
Click Done when you are finished updating online tests.