Performing advanced import mapping (pc only) – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 12

ExamView Test Manager
Step 3:
Value restricted fields correspond to check boxes in
the Student Information dialog and require
additional text mapping to indicate which check box
should be selected. Value restricted fields flagged
for import will display either a check mark or
warning icon next to their name. To ensure
successful import of all the desired data, advanced
field mapping should be performed until no warning
icons are displayed. Click Edit Mapping to perform
this step.
Value restricted fields not flagged for import
will have the Edit Mapping button disabled.
You may continue with the import process
and ignore the warnings, but values that are
not mapped to a check box will be ignored
when imported.
If flagged for import, select the format for the date of birth data using the drop-down list.
Only digits can be used to indicate month (M), day (D), and year (Y) values. So dates cannot use strings
such as "August" or "Aug." for the month.
Digits can be contiguous (e.g. MMDDYYYY) or separated by slashes (e.g. MM/DD/YYYY), dashes (e.g.
MM-DD-YYYY) or spaces (e.g. MM DD YYYY).
Year values can be specified using four digits or just the last two digits.
Click Finish. A message appears asking if you want to save the import definition profile.
Click Yes to save the import definition profile, click No to continue to import without saving the profile, or click
Cancel to return to the wizard.
After the import process is complete, a message appears displaying the number of student records
successfully added and the number of records that were skipped.
Much of the student demographic information is presented as a series of check boxes. These value
restricted fields include: Gender, Grade Level, Sociological/Economic, Race/Ethnicity, and Other. If any
of these categories are flagged for import, additional mapping will need to be performed to associate text
terms with each check box.
Performing Advanced Import Mapping (PC Only)
Much of the student demographic information is presented as a series of check boxes. These value restricted fields include:
Gender, Grade Level, Sociological/Economic, Race/Ethnicity, and Other. If any of these categories are flagged for import,
additional mapping will need to be performed to associate text terms with each check box.
Enter entries for acceptable matches into the text fields next to the Test Manager Category.
Separate multiple entries with commas.
Text matching is not case-sensitive.
You can copy entries from the Unique File Entries list and paste them into the Text Matches field.