Assignments – Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual

Page 18

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ExamView Test Manager



Gathering detailed data and presenting it in useful reports to help you make effective decisions is the primary purpose of the
ExamView Test Manager. The software can gather data from printed tests (either manually graded or automatically graded with
a scanner), and from online (LAN-based) tests taken with the ExamView Test Player software. Before you can gather data
from a test, you must create an assignment from the test using the ExamView Test Manager.

The basic steps for working with an assignment are:


Build your test using the ExamView Test Generator. If you are giving a paper test, print it. If you plan to administer the
test with the ExamView Test Player, publish the test as an online test (see the ExamView Test Generator help for more


Create an assignment from the test using the ExamView Test Manager. You can create an assignment as either a
paper test, or an online (LAN-based) test.


Administer the test to your students using the method selected in Step 2.


Use ExamView Test Manager to automatically score and record results for tests administered with scanner forms,
clickers,or the ExamView Test Player. Alternatively, you can manually grade the tests and then enter the scores into
the ExamView Test Manager.


Compile and view student and class reports with the ExamView Test Manager.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Creating a New Assignment (Paper Test)

Creating a New Assignment (LAN Test)

Importing Assignments from a CPS Database

Copying an Assignment from One Class to Another

Copying All Class Records to a Spreadsheet

Editing Assignment Information

Viewing a Question

Updating Online Tests

Results from Scanners

Results from LAN Test

Exporting Assignment Results as a Text File

Exporting Assignment Results as an XML File

Exporting Detailed Results