SpectraCal Cine-tal DAVIO User Manual

Page 8

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V1.2 2013.04.23

3. CalMAN 3D LUT Display Calibration – Hardware LUT Load

CalMAN can calibrate the 3D LUT in the Davio either by automatically loading a LUT directly into the Davio
with a hardware connection or by creating a software 3D LUT file and then using the Davio Control software to
manually load the LUT file into the Davio.
A. To create a software LUT file, skip to the Software LUT File section, below.
B. To use a direct hardware connection to produce an optimized 3D LUT calibration file and automatically

load it into a Davio:
1. In CalMAN, load the "Color Cube (3D LUT)" workflow.
2. On the CalMAN Settings tab (gear icon), under Workflow Basic Options, select either Video (16-235)

[SMPTE legal] or PC (0-255) [Full] to match the intended signal levels to be sent to the display.

3. Proceed through each step of the workflow in the normal fashion, using the following notes for

guidance on the indicated workflow pages.

4. On the LUT Device Setup page:

a. Click the Find Processor/Display button, and then select " Cine-tal - Davio (Ethernet).”

5. On the Dynamic Range page, adjust the display’s black level/Brightness control to the black level of

the signal content that will be processed through the Davio (16 for video or 0 for PC/full range).

6. On the RGB Adjust page, under the Two Point Levels selection, select “2 Point 30, 100%.” Click Read

Continuous and adjust the display’s RGB Gain controls for RGB balance at 100%. Adjust the display’s
RGB Offset/Bias controls (if provided) for RGB balance at 30%.

7. Skip the Calibrate RGB Balance page (a 1D LUT does not need to be created).
8. On the Calibrate 3D Cube LUT page, click the AutoCal (circling arrows) button at the right end of the

meter action buttons. The AutoCal Setup dialog then appears (see below).

9. Under File Path, select the desired directory path and provide a name for the LUT file that CalMAN

will create (e.g. monitor ID and date).

10. Under Calibration Type, select the desired type of 3D LUT calibration process.

a. IR Profile (time based): Creates the best quality display calibration 3D LUT possible in the

selected period of time. You select how much display quality you have time for, from 30