SpectraCal CalMAN for SCRATCH Plug-In User Manual
Calman client for scratch quick start guide, Software installation

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CalMAN Client for SCRATCH
Quick Start Guide
CalMAN Display Calibration Software interfaces directly with ASSIMILATE SCRATCH software through the
CalMAN Client for SCRATCH plugin. The plugin, available for both OSX and Windows, automatically
produces the required test patterns (patches) as CalMAN measures one of the SCRATCH displays.
CalMAN controls the Client plugin as it creates an optimized calibration LUT file for the SCRATCH
Interface monitor or dual head RGB monitor driven through the standard graphics adapter (or the
laptop screen) and/or for an SDI video display driven through an SDI video output device (i.e. AJA,
DeckLink, Bluefish, or Quadro).
The calibration LUT file(s) is then available to be loaded into ASSIMILATE SCRATCH to apply calibration
correction to the selected display. SCRATCH alters its output signal, according to the LUT data, to correct
the display performance to very accurately comply with the selected video standard (e.g. Rec709, DCI,
Required ASSIMILATE SCRATCH Software Version:
Version 8.1 or later
Required CalMAN Software Version:
Version 5.4.0 or later
Required CalMAN Workflow:
Color Cube (3D LUT) workflow
Software Installation
CalMAN Client for SCRATCH Installation
Installing the CalMAN Client plugin into ASSIMILATE SCRATCH is a simple matter of copying the supplied
CalMAN Client plugin file and icon file into the appropriate SCRATCH application folder.
With SCRATCH running on OSX:
Copy the CalMANpatOSX.spa plugin file and the CalMANpatOSX.tif icon file into the SCRATCH ‘Plugins’
folder, in the following directory path:
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Assimilator/Plugins
With SCRATCH running on Windows:
Create a ‘CalMAN’ folder in the ‘C:\Program Files \Assimilate\Plugin64’ directory.
Copy the CalMANpatWin.spa plugin file and the CalMANpatWin.tif icon file into the ‘CalMAN’ folder.
The final directory path should be: C:\Program Files\Assimilate\Plugin64\CalMAN\ CalMANpatWin.spa