SpectraCal CalMAN Client 3 User Manual
Calman client 3 quick start guide

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CalMAN Client 3
Quick Start Guide
CalMAN Client 3 is a test pattern source and display control utility, available for both Windows and Mac.
Client 3 is installed on a Windows or Mac computer that has a monitor to be tested or calibrated.
CalMAN (or CalMED), installed on the same or another computer, connects to Client 3 via an IP socket
CalMAN controls Client 3 to automatically produce the required test patterns (patches) on the selected
monitor as CalMAN measures the monitor. CalMAN also controls Client 3’s interface to the computer’s
monitor calibration profiles. As CalMAN develops monitor calibration data, it sends the data to Client 3,
which writes the data to the appropriate computer data file. This includes creating and managing ICC
Required CalMAN Software Version:
Version 5.0 or later
Required CalMAN Workflow:
Any workflow
Required Operating System:
Client 3 for Windows - Windows® Vista™ or later, with latest system updates installed.
Client 3 for Mac - OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.x or later, with latest system updates installed.
Note1: If you are using OS X Yosemite, version 10.10.2 or later is required.
Note2: A legacy install of Client 3 for Mac is available for OS X Lion 10.7.x
Client 3 Installation
Install CalMAN Client 3 by downloading the installer from the Client 3 Downloads page to the computer
that is driving the monitor(s) to be tested or calibrated. Run the installer on the target computer.
NOTE: If you are updating from a version of Client 3 that is older than, uninstall the existing
version of Client 3 before installing the new version.
To check the current version of Client 3, right-click on the Client 3 shortcut icon on the menu bar or task
bar, then select About (Figure 1).