SpectraCal Panasonic BT-4LH310 User Manual

Panasonic bt-4lh310 calman setup guide

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Panasonic BT-4LH310

CalMAN Setup Guide

CalMAN Display Calibration Software can automatically create an optimized 3D calibration LUT for the
Panasonic 4LH310 monitor. Follow the procedure below to automatically create and load an optimized
3D LUT monitor calibration file into one of the Panasonic monitor’s three User operating modes.

Required CalMAN Software Version:

Version 5.4.0 or newer

Required CalMAN Workflow:

Color Cube (3D LUT)

Panasonic Monitor Software Version:

All versions work

Panasonic Monitor Control Connection:

Null modem 9-pin female to female serial cable

If a USB to serial adapter is required, the FTDI adapter (available from SpectraCal and online) is
recommended, as it includes a data buffer for superior data integrity at high communication

Panasonic Initial Setup

To calibrate the


monitor with a 3D LUT, you must manually configure desired settings

in the monitor before you switch the monitor to Remote mode in order to connect to the
monitor within CalMAN:

1. In the Panasonic Main Menu / System Config / Range menu:

a. Select “Full” for 0-1023 [10-bit] full range.
b. Select “Limited” for 64-940 [10-bit] SMPTE legal range.

2. In the Panasonic Main Menu / Control menu, select “Remote” to enable RS-232 remote
