SpectraCal HP DreamColor Z27x User Manual

Hp dreamcolor z27x calman setup guide

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HP DreamColor Z27x

CalMAN Setup Guide

CalMAN Display Calibration Software can automatically create an optimized calibration 1D LUT and color
matrix for the DreamColor Z27x monitor and automatically load the calibration data into the monitor.
Because of the inherent linearity of the DreamColor monitor, very accurate performance is obtained
without employing a 3D LUT.

Note: the DreamColor Z24x monitor does not contain the features required to enable CalMAN auto

Required CalMAN Software Version:

Version 5.3.5 or newer

Recommended CalMAN Workflow:

Monitor - Direct (EIZO/HP)

DreamColor Z27x

Control Connection:

USB 3.0 (USB 3.0 A to B cable required for proper connection and control)

DreamColor Z27x Initial Setup

To connect a DreamColor Z27x to a host calibration computer with a USB 3.0 cable:

1. Install the SDK/API USB driver for the DreamColor Z27x (available from the HP web site).
2. Connect a USB 3.0 cable between the display and the CalMAN computer (a USB 3.0 cable is


3. On the DreamColor Z27x, under Open Menu / Management / Manage Internal Processor, select


4. On the DreamColor Z27x, under Open Menu / Image Adjustment, uncheck the “Use Video Levels

(16-235)” selection. After calibration is complete, you can select the Video Levels option, if

5. Cycle the master power switch on the rear panel of the DreamColor Z27x, and then wait 2

minutes before connecting to the DreamColor within CalMAN.

DreamColor Z27x Connection Modes

The DreamColor monitor may normally be connected to its signal source in one of two basic modes. The
monitor’s normal connection mode determines the optimum calibration method to use in the following
sections. The two connection modes are:

Graphics Adapter Connection Mode - Connected to a computer’s standard graphics adapter

Independent Source Mode - Connected to another signal source (e.g. signal router, video
adapter device, etc.).